
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Moon is Made of Cookies!!

For the past week (and a couple of days) my LBKs and I have been discussing the moon. And no, not because they are all space cadets!! It's actually one of our state standards for fourth grade.

Anywho...we have been discussing how the moon orbits the Earth, that it doesn't actually change shape or size, and that it goes through phases. Well, the phases of the moon is what we had a sweet time with today. I grouped my LBKs and passed out some cookies...and I didn't let them eat any! Mwaa-ha-ha-ha (that was my evil laugh!)

I told them to show me what they knew about the phases of the moon and this is what they came up with!

Pretty sweet, huh?!

The LBKs really enjoyed this project.  I think it had something to do with being able to eat the cream that they scraped off!

BTW...I did have some extra cookies on hand to let them enjoy after we all finished!

Until next time,

Mr. A

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Very Good Grasshopper

So...being new to 4th grade classroom management has been something that has kept me up at night.  Not that my students are running around like wild little monkeys! I actually think I have very good classroom management, but I've never really had a set tool that was used in the classroom.

Some of my fellow nut grade teachers use a positive/negative system.  At first I really didn't like the idea. (Mainly because there was a lot to keep up with!)

But then a fellow (super) blogger came to my rescue. It's like she jumped into her phonebooth, changed into her red and blue pajamas, and saved me from the ledge I was dangling from! Well...not really like that, but close.

Ginger Snaps posted about a website called Class Dojo.

It is a classroom management tool that works through their website that can be projected for the whole class to see. But the interactiveness (is that a word?) is not the coolest thing about it.  This site is most awesome because I can give positives and negatives through my phone and it will *bing* up on the screen!! I don't have to say a word!

(Not real students!)

If a student is on task I simply select that student and give them a positive for being on task and it will show up on the SmartBoard. That way the students can see who is getting the positive and for what. The past two mornings have been wonderful! Whenever my LBKs get a little off task I simply pick one that is working hard and give them a positive and everyone settles down. Not a single word was spoken. (It's really fun to do it when I'm outside of the classroom!)

Not only does it do all this but check out the weekly report I can print off and send home...

There are some improvements that need to be made but my initial review is that this is a wonderful tool for classroom management. I'll let you know what I think a few weeks from now.

Until next time,

Mr. A

Friday, November 4, 2011

Collaboration-Day 1

Ahhh...Google Docs. Who doesn't love it?! (Well, I know a few. But they don't love tech of any kind.)  Now, I'm hoping to help my LBKs fall in love with it.

Today was Day 1 of our collaboration slide show project.

We have been studying the 13 original colonies and I have been racking my brain as to what we could do for a final project. So, off to do a search with no map...only a destination. With my trusty laptop by my side (well, on my's close to my side :-P) I went venturing into the world of the online educator and came up with...nothing.

Don't get me wrong, there was T-O-N-S of stuff out there. But I could never find anything that really struck my fancy. So, to Google I run. And as always they had the answer...Docs!

So, I divided my class into three groups for the three colonial regions.  Then each group divided up the project into the assigned sections and off we went following the yellow brick road to the computer lab. No, there were no lions or tigers or bears but there was one really grumpy teacher...

I linked up each slideshow project on our class website and off we went! They were excited to see that they could work on the same project together. In fact, I had some issues with some of my sweet LBKs going on someone else's slide and messing with them. Once we got settled down they really seemed to take to it, but all we could get done was a brief intro and they got their title on their page.

As we progress we are going to discuss more about aesthetics and animation...but for now we have our titles!

I'll keep you up to date on how this goes because this is my first experience teaching how to do a slide show and this is most of the LBKs first experience with making a slide show.  I love it when we get to learn together!!

Until next time,

Mr. A

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Babbling Explorers

Whew!  This has been a long week...

It began with a dead rat in my air conditioning unit...and, well, that's pretty much where it ended too!  It's always nice to walk into your classroom and be knocked over by the stench of something rotting.  It was later discovered that a little varmint had crawled into my unit and get electrocuted.  Anyways, as a result we had to switch rooms and have class outside.  Needless to say we got as much as we could get done the first two days of this week.

Now, because of the Great Rat Incident of 2011, we have finished our unit on early European explorers several days behind schedule...but we have finished!  And to be honest that rat served a purpose, because two days ago our media specialist introduced me to a fun new website!  If it wasn't for that rat...we wouldn't have our fun new project.  Thank you Mr. Rat for your sacrifice.


The website is and it is super fun!  It lets you upload any picture and talk through the picture.  The mouth moves and everything!  So...I took this site back to my class we became the explorers.

Assignment: Pretend you are an explorer telling a class about your voyages and explorations.

Result:  Super fabulous writing and this...

How flippin' awesome is that!  My LBKs l-o-v-e-d doing this.  They are actually wanting to do more research so they can do other explorers.

Now the question else can I use this site?  Hmmm...

Until next time,

Mr. A

Thursday, September 29, 2011

What's My Speed?

Putting social studies on the back burner for a couple of weeks, we are diving head first into science!!

Force and motion to be more specific. One thing I've noticed about fourth grade, and most other levels of the education of students, is that they L-O-V-E science!  And my LBKs love them some science!  (I hope I can keep this feeling goin' all year...)

In the beginning stages of this unit we talk a little bit about speed.  So...yet another impromptu project.  This time it's in science.  --I've got a feeling we're going to be doing a lot of impromptu this year.--

We took some notes...and more notes...and then just a few more notes.  By this point I was b-ored!!  The LBKs checked out about 15 minutes ago.  I think I did too but it just took me a little longer to realize it...

So we are talking about speed and discussing how fast a car travels in kilometers per second...and then the little light bulb in my went off.  Mr. Bulb said, "Why don't we actually measure speed instead of just talking about measuring it?"

"Great idea Mr. Bulb!" I said.  (One day I'm going to say that out loud and then my kids will think I'm crazy...ummm, I think they already do.)

So off I ran to my on it's last leg trusty computer and sent out a message, "Help, I need some stopwatches!"  Those who ask shall receive.

Off we go, my LBKs (Little Big Kids) and I, out to the ball field.  We measure out 50 feet, we group up, we get our timers out, and off we go!!  Did I mention we L-O-V-E science?

We called our experiment "What's My Speed" and we got out our handy-dandy science notebooks.  We wrote down our materials, our question, our hypothesis, our method, and what happened.

Our Handy-Dandy Science Notebooks.

Each student was timed in how fast they ran 50 feet and how fast they walked 50 feet.  Then they took the distance (50 feet) and divided that by their time.  They figured out how many feet per second they could run and how many feet per second they could walk.  We all had a good hypothesis for this experiment!

No...this is NOT a picture of me at the end of school running to my car!!

What's on tap for our science class tomorrow?  Who knows! ;-)

Until next time...

Mr. A

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Finished Product

Okay, so apparently this blog is turning into more of a Social Studies project blog than a great fourth grade ideas blog.  Oh well...I'm having fun with some projects!! our Native American Quadrama Projects were due.  After all the questions (and prayers!) they turned out well.  I had never assigned one of these types of projects before.  Sure, I've done regular ol' dioramas in a shoe box.

Don't get me wrong, they always turned out great.  But I always wind up wanting more from them...

Answer: Quadrama!  The students were required to show four different scenes instead of just one.  And it seems as if they had fun with them.  I got the idea from Shelley over at Blog Hoppin'.  Her examples were great and I thought this would fit perfectly into a Native American unit...and they did!

Anywho...check out some of the splediforous (yes, it's a word...I think) projects turned in today!!
A collection of my LBKs wonderful Native American Quadrama Project!

A view from one side.  Here is a student's view on the Hopi.
Here is a view from the top of one of the quadramas.

We had a wonderful time making these!  Presentations start tomorrow...please pray!

Until next time...

Mr. A

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Impromptu Social Studies--Results!

Hello all! Recently I published a post on a Social Studies project that I researched, worked on, and really prepared, actually I just pulled it out of thin air! And because of that I was a little, or maybe a lot, hesitant to see the results.

But they came out wonderfully! The projects turned out great and the LBKs learned more with this project than they would have watching movies for four days in a row.

You can check out some of the presentations here! (We def need to work on our presentation skills!)

Anywho...check out the results.

Until next time...

Mr. A

Monday, September 19, 2011


One of the many joys of teaching is getting to celebrate the  accomplishments of your students.  Whether it's a student struggling in math and finally passing that unit four test or seeing their eyes overflow with understanding when they pull the rope on the pulley.

But I also like to revel in their accomplishments outside of the classroom walls...

I love getting to be there when one of my students scores a touchdown or gets runner-up in a beauty pageant.  Being a teacher is the toughest job I have ever had (and I h have had dozens), but it has also been the most rewarding.  Getting to celebrate with my students both in and out of the classroom has been one of those rewards.

I type this part as I sit backstage at our local beauty pageant and watch some of my students, old and new, boldly step out on stage and give it their all.   (My wonderful wife is taking the pictures backstage.)
My students are seeing me outside of school and they know that they are important to me.  They know that someone, other than those that should, cares about them.

A teacher should always encourage within the classroom, but don't forget to encourage outside of it also.

Until next time...

Mr. A

Friday, September 16, 2011

Impromptu Social Studies

Moving from little kids to little big kids one of the biggest things I have had to get used to is teaching Science and Social Studies.

Wait! Before you throw up the "I Can't Believe You Didn't Teach Science and Social Studies to the Little Ones" flag and wave it all around...I did teach them. There was just not a huge focus since they they didn't even know quite how to read yet.

Okay, now that we are all off of our respective soapboxes...Social Studies has turned into one of the highlights of my day!

We are currently doing a unit on Native Americans. For our standards they are to become experts on six different tribes, and so our grade level plans reflected this... But I got bored (and so did the LBKs)... As a result, Impromptu Social Studies project was born!

As I was getting ready to start the umptenth video for the students to take notes on I realized that I was really dreading the next hour. So I said to myself, "Self, this is boring. Let's do something fun that makes them learn how to work together."

Then I group the kids, randomly, and gave each group one of our Native American groups to create a poster on and WOW has it been fun!

First, we created a design for our poster on one sheet of copy paper.

Next, we took over the computer lab and did a little research.

Now we are in the process of completing our posters. And I think they can tell me more about the different groups now than they could have if we just had five straight days of videos and notes. They are even learning more about the groups they are not assigned simply by working next to each other. I can't tell you how many times one student has said to another, "Hey, look at this!"

They are excited and having, and so am I...finally! Fourth grade may work out after all.

Until next time...

Mr. A

P.S.  You can grab a copy of the rubric I'm using here.  Thank you Rubistar for the free rubric generator!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Diving In to Guided Reading

So here we go...diving in to the educational blogging world.  Finding inspiration from many wonderful blogs I've decided to document and share my  classroom mishaps stuff.

I've decided to begin with my Independent Guided Reading Project.  This is my first year in frightful...errr...fabulous fourth grade and coming from guided reading with little ones to guided reading with big little ones I was a little nervous.  So...across the hall I go to my fellow fourth grade adventurer.  I stuck my head in and said, "Sup?"

After sticking my nose into what she was doing (and hiding a copy of it behind my back) I decided to do a little more diving.  And after a little searching and reading I came up with this project that, so far, I have loved.

My LBKs (little big kids) are about to finish their first book.  There have been many questions and a lot of modifying, but today was the first day that they all worked independently on their projects!  They are due tomorrow by the end of our guided reading segment and I am excited to see how they have turned will be posted.

In the meantime you can take a look and grab a copy for yourself here.

Until next time...

Mr. A

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