
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Babbling Explorers

Whew!  This has been a long week...

It began with a dead rat in my air conditioning unit...and, well, that's pretty much where it ended too!  It's always nice to walk into your classroom and be knocked over by the stench of something rotting.  It was later discovered that a little varmint had crawled into my unit and get electrocuted.  Anyways, as a result we had to switch rooms and have class outside.  Needless to say we got as much as we could get done the first two days of this week.

Now, because of the Great Rat Incident of 2011, we have finished our unit on early European explorers several days behind schedule...but we have finished!  And to be honest that rat served a purpose, because two days ago our media specialist introduced me to a fun new website!  If it wasn't for that rat...we wouldn't have our fun new project.  Thank you Mr. Rat for your sacrifice.


The website is and it is super fun!  It lets you upload any picture and talk through the picture.  The mouth moves and everything!  So...I took this site back to my class we became the explorers.

Assignment: Pretend you are an explorer telling a class about your voyages and explorations.

Result:  Super fabulous writing and this...

How flippin' awesome is that!  My LBKs l-o-v-e-d doing this.  They are actually wanting to do more research so they can do other explorers.

Now the question else can I use this site?  Hmmm...

Until next time,

Mr. A


Barbara Day said...

Cool idea! I have to try this with my kids.

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